Essay on Bernhard Schlink’s The Woman on the Stairs

I’ve always admired Bernhard Schlink’s fiction, particularly his short stories published in his 2000 collection Flights of Love. I think it’s the preoccupation with guilt and culpability that interests me so much. Although Schlink is more concerned with the peculiar German experience, they are emotions that plague us all to a certain extent. Here‘s me onContinue reading “Essay on Bernhard Schlink’s The Woman on the Stairs”

Review of Julia Leigh’s Avalanche

I’ve long admired Julia Leigh’s novels (as well as her film Sleeping Beauty), so it was a great pleasure to be able to review her memoir Avalanche for the Sydney Morning Herald here. It’s a stunning, intensely personal account of her experience with IVF and the writing is very different to her novels, which IContinue reading “Review of Julia Leigh’s Avalanche”

Review of Elizabeth Strout’s ‘My Name is Lucy Barton’

I reviewed Elizabeth Strout’s superb short novel My Name is Lucy Barton for the Sydney Morning Herald, here. Olive Kitteridge is one of my all time favourite books and what I love about Strout is that she is such a devastatingly honest writer; every time I read her I remember why I write.

Review of Colum McCann’s Thirteen Ways of Looking

I reviewed Colum McCann’s Thirteen Ways of Looking for the Sydney Morning Herald,  here. I was intrigued by the premise for the book, which has as its centrepiece a novella in which the main character is fatally assaulted in an apparently random attack. McCann himself was attacked on the streets of New York around theContinue reading “Review of Colum McCann’s Thirteen Ways of Looking”